2.32 EUR



Attica Holdings S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) hereby announces that the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company’s shareholders took place on December 12, 2024, and was attended in person or by proxy by shareholders representing 216,947,036 shares, out of a total of 243,164,193 common registered shares, representing 89.22% of the total share capital.

The Extraordinary General Meeting reached the following resolutions on the items of the agenda:

1. Approved (a) the Company’s Draft Division Agreement by way of a spin-off of passengers, private vehicles, and freight units sea transport sector and its absorption by ‘BLUE STAR FERRIES SINGLE-PERSON MARITIME SHIPPING S.A.’, in accordance with the provisions of L. 4601/2019, L. 4548/2018, L.D. 1297/1972, as well as Greek legislation, (b) the Report of the Board of Directors submitted to the General Meeting of the Company’s shareholders regarding the above described Draft Division Agreement, (c) the Information Memorandum of the Company in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4.1.1, no. 12 of the Athens Exchange Regulation, and paragraph 12.1.2 of the Decision no. 25 of the Athens Exchange Stock Markets Governing Committee dated 15.4.2024, as in force, (d) the Accounts of the Company’s passengers, private vehicles, and freight units sea transport sector as of June 30th, 2024, (e) the Opinion Report issued by an Independent Expert in accordance with Articles 10 and 62 of L. 4601/2019 regarding the review of the Draft Division Agreement, and (f) the Evaluation Report issued by an Independent Expert in accordance with Article 17 of L. 4548/2018 regarding the evaluation of the assets of the passengers, private vehicles, and freight units sea transport sector of the Company.

Total number of valid votes 216,947,036, representing 89.22% of the paid-up share capital. Votes: For 216,947,036 (100% of represented voting shares).

2. Approved the division of the Company by way of a spin-off of passengers, private vehicles, and freight units sea transport sector and its absorption by its 100% subsidiary ‘BLUE STAR FERRIES SINGLE-PERSON MARITIME SHIPPING S.A.’, as outlined in detail in the Draft Division Agreement, in accordance with the provisions of L. 4601/2019, L. 4548/2018, L.D. 1297/1972, as well as applicable Greek legislation. Furthermore, the Extraordinary General Meeting ratified all actions and statements of the Company's Board of Directors to date.

Total number of valid votes 216,947,036, representing 89.22% of the paid-up share capital. Votes: For 216,947,036 (100% of represented voting shares).

3. Approved the amendment of Article 2 (Purpose) of the Company's Articles of Association as a result of the spin-off of passengers, private vehicles, and freight units sea transport sector, and more specifically the elimination from Article 2 of the activity of ‘the acquisition and ownership, operation, or agency of vessels of any type in Greece and abroad’.

Total number of valid votes 216,947,036, representing 89.22% of the paid-up share capital. Votes: For 216,947,036 (100% of represented voting shares).

4. Authorized the Company’s Board of Directors to carry out all necessary actions for the notification and/or, as applicable, the issuance of the legally mandated permits or approvals by the competent authorities and official bodies, the preparation and appointment of the Company’s representative(s) for signing the division agreement, any related legal acts or declarations, and for the completion of the division overall.

Total number of valid votes 216,947,036, representing 89.22% of the paid-up share capital. Votes: For 216,947,036 (100% of represented voting shares).