2.32 EUR

Attica Group

Corporate governance

Chartered Accountants

The financial statements of Attica Holdings S.A. are audited and signed by certified public accountants of the company "BDO CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS S.A." which is based in Athens, 449 Mesogion Avenue, and is registered in the Special Register of par. 5 of article 13 of P.D. 226/1992, with S.O.E.L. Reg.No.173.

Internal control

The Company has an Internal Audit Department which is independent according to the applicable legislation, it is reported to the Board of Directors. through the Audit Committee, is responsible for the internal audit at Company & Group level and operates based on its Operating Regulations.

Disclaimer: This English translation is NOT an official translation. It has been prepared solely for informational purposes, for the convenience of non-Greek speaking interested parties. The official and legally binding documents and descriptions are in the Greek language, as published in the Greek website of Attica Group. Any discrepancies or differences arising in the translation are not binding and Attica Group makes no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of this English translation, nor it assumes any liability for possible errors, omissions or inaccuracies.