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Attica Group

Health and Safety Policy

At ATTICA GROUP we envision to create a safe and healthy working environment for our employees, customers and partners. Τo realise our Vision, we apply an Occupational Health and Safety Management System that complies with the requirements of the ISO 45001:2018 standard and the applicable laws.

In this context, the Management of ATTICA GROUP pledges to:

In implementing the Occupational Health and Safety Management System, the Management of ATTICA GROUP aims to:

  • Identify and mitigate OHS risks at every level of the organisation;
  • Effectively control OHS risks with the involvement of staff at all levels;
  • Investigate all OHS incidents in order to identify the causes and take the necessary corrective measures;
  • Manage OHS issues arising from suppliers and contractors;
  • Educate and raise awareness among the Group's Employees and partners regarding Occupational Health and Safety;
  • Implement methods for measuring and reporting OHS indicators; and define related targets
  • Improve the Group's overall OHS performance and comply with legal requirements.

This Policy is communicated to all stakeholders, and all ATTICA GROUP Employees and contractors should be fully aligned with the Group's Vision and Commitments.

attica group