2.32 EUR

Attica Group

Corporate governance

Procedure for Filing & Investigating Complaints


Complaints about misconduct

Commitment to the values of integrity, transparency and responsibility is a priority for the ATTICA Group, which participates in the UN Universal Compact. (UN Global Compact) already in 2008, having also co-signed the "Call for Action" initiative.

In this context, the Group has adopted a Procedure for Submitting & Investigating Complaints, through which any interested party can report a possible violation of company policies, procedures or legislation, anonymously or by name.

Complaints are received and managed by the Transparency Committee of the Attica Group specially designated for this purpose. We assure you that all reports are handled confidentially and the collection and processing of any personal data is strictly confidential. If you wish to be informed about the processing of your personal data in the context of managing reports of incidents of criminal behavior, please read the text of the Special Privacy Statement, which you can find here.

Anyone interested in making a complaint is advised to use the appropriate communication channels as noted below, making every effort to ensure that the information provided is as clear, complete and documented as possible. Information about:

Anyone interested in making a complaint is advised to use the appropriate communication channels as noted below, making every effort to ensure that the information provided is as clear, complete and documented as possible.

Information about:

  • the nature and description of the alleged violation;
  • the time the breach occurred
  • the persons involved in it

Complaints should be submitted through the communication channels below:


ATTACHED POST OFFICE Attica SA Holdings or Attica Group
Lysikratous 1-7, Kallithea P.O. Box 17674
Attached H.R.

ELECTRONIC REPORT SUBMISSION FORM Please do not use this application to highlight the Companys products or services. These comments should be addressed exclusively to the Customer Service Department

attica group
(max file size 8MB)
Disclaimer: This English translation is NOT an official translation. It has been prepared solely for informational purposes, for the convenience of non-Greek speaking interested parties. The official and legally binding documents and descriptions are in the Greek language, as published in the Greek website of Attica Group. Any discrepancies or differences arising in the translation are not binding and Attica Group makes no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of this English translation, nor it assumes any liability for possible errors, omissions or inaccuracies.